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A great many people fantasize about escaping the toils and pressures of their workplace. For one thing, they imagine that it would be possible to work less and earn more. But what if you could make your work more fulfilling, while also making more money? We explore how to do this in today's post by looking at ways to increase workplace satisfaction and productivity, as well as how these can lead into increased revenue. First, however, we have to discuss the topic of workplace satisfaction and productivity. We'll look at what it means and how we can achieve it. What is Workplace Satisfaction? Workplace satisfaction is probably the most frequently misunderstood and misused term in this day and age. People often use the word as a synonym for 'good work'. But for those involved in business, or those who want to be involved in business, this misunderstanding is far from helpful. It's important to understand that workplace satisfaction does not mean 'good work'. This confusion comes as something of a surprise to many people, as these lines seem so similar: "I need more good work", and "I need more workplace satisfaction". Workplace satisfaction is the enjoyment and fulfillment we get from our work, and it originates in job satisfaction. Which leads us to: What is Job Satisfaction? Job satisfaction is, unsurprisingly, the happiness we derive from our daily undertaking. It's a feeling that can't be manufactured or mimicked; it's something we get from our work itself. When we derive pleasure from what we do, job satisfaction is an inevitable consequence. When we don't get pleasure from what we do, then job dissatisfaction results. And when people are satisfied with their jobs they are more productive than those who aren't satisfied or even dissatisfied by their jobs. So what leads to job satisfaction? It can't be simple. Once we know what leads to job satisfaction, then we'll be able to identify the components that lead to workplace satisfaction. The Elements of Job Satisfaction There are five elements that are vital for job satisfaction. Let's have a look at these elements which are then briefly explored in this post: Motivation The Creative Process Employee Relationships Organizational Commitment Enriching Work Life So how does one maximize workplace satisfaction? How do you make time more productive? By taking each element of job satisfaction into account, you can make your work life more fulfilling. One of the most effective ways to increase workplace satisfaction is to improve job satisfaction. If you're satisfied with your job, then it's likely that you'll be productive in everything you do. You'll be more motivated to learn new things, and less likely to neglect important tasks. Plus, you'll derive more satisfaction from your work overall. Why does this work? Why is job satisfaction so closely linked with productivity? Well, it's because people are inherently motivated by their own needs and desires. If we don't like what we do, then we won't like how we perform it or want to perform it in the future. eccc085e13